To counter the introduction of the Super-VHS format, Sony introduced Video Hi8 (short for high-band Video8). Like S-VHS, Hi8 used improved recorder electronics and media formulation to increase the recorded bandwidth of the luminance signal. Both Hi8 and S-VHS were officially rated at a luminance resolution of 400 lines, a vast improvement from their respective base formats and are roughly equal to laserdisc quality. Chroma resolution for both remain unchanged.
To preserve your precious video in the Hi8 tape from Hi8 handycam (camcorder), convert it to high quality Digital file, DVD-video or Mp4. Call 65-90660631 for conversion service in Singapore.
Tangerine Associate
Blk 197 Rivervale Drive Singapore 540197
(next to Rivervale Mall)
Reg. no. 52840557
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