Friday, September 27, 2019

Convert Video8 Video Tape(8mm Tape) to Mp4 DVD Digital -call 90660631

​Video8 (8mm video tape) was launched into a market dominated by the VHS-C and Betamax formats.

In 1983 Sony Betamax had released the first camcorder called Betamovie. In response JVC released the compact VHS-C format which enabled the first handheld (rather than shoulder-mounted) camcorders. Sony's answer to these small cameras came in 1985 when they used Betamax-style U-load technology, but reduced the tape width from 12 millimeter to 8 millimeter, and the Video8 format was born.

Video 8 (8mm video tape) had one major advantage over the full-sized competition. Thanks to their compact-form factor, Video8 camcorders were small enough to hold in the palm of the user's hand. Such a feat was impossible with Betamax and VHS camcorders, which operated best on sturdy tripods or strong shoulders. Video8 also had an advantage in terms of time, because although VHS-C offered the same "palmcorder" size as Video8, the VHS-C tapes only held 40 minutes of time (SP). Thus Video8's 120-minute capacity served well for most users. (Both machines included longer playing modes at 120 and 240 minutes respectively, but at the cost of reduced quality images of only 220 lines resolution.) Longer sessions generally required additional infrastructure (AC power or more batteries), and hence longer recording-times offered little advantage in a true travelling environment.

As of early 2007, the analog 8 mm formats are nearing the end of the road. Standard Video8 is already extinct in the new camcorder (handycam) market.

To preserve your precious video in the Sony/Sharp Video8 tape, convert it to high quality Mp4, DVD-video or Digital . Call 65-90660631 for conversion service in

Tangerine Associate
Block 197 Rivervale Drive Singapore 540197
(next to Rivervale Mall)
Reg. No. 52840557L

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